How to draw a cartoon clock

How to draw a cartoon clock

Cartoon Clock Drawing in Just 8 Straightforward Measures! Alerts are an important tool that we all employ in one form or another in our energies. Everyone must maintain time in some way during the day, and stares allow us to catch it. Most watches are digital, but a good old biological terror watch still means eyes today. You may also learn many things cartoon drawing, scary drawing, pencil drawing, cool things to draw, scary drawing, creative drawing, and flower drawing.

This is the variation we’ll work on in this guide on drawing a cartoon clock! By the end of these steps, you’ll have a fun and charming representation of one of these classic alarm clocks. There is no need to set a timer on your watch because we love this step-by-step guide on drawing a cartoon watch in just eight easy steps!

How to draw a cartoon clock – allow contact to form!

Stage 1

We will draw the clock face in this first step of our guide on drawing a cartoon clock. It will be a simple circle, but even though it is simple, it can still be tricky to draw, especially if done by hand. However, there are some tools you can use to make your job easier. A drawing compass is the best way to do this, as it allows you to draw perfect circles quickly. Whatever you use to draw this circle, once you’ve done that, we’re ready for step 2!

Step 2: Next, draw the outer edge of the clock.

Now that the face of this cartoon clock design is drawn, we’ll draw the border around it in the next step. Again, we’ll draw another simple circle, which will wrap around the first one. You can use the method you used for the first circle for this one, and if you used a drawing compass, it should be a breeze! With this border done, we can continue.

Step 3: Now, draw another layer for the border.

We can add another circular layer to the clock in this step, but it will be slightly different from this one. The next one will also be a new outer layer, but instead of being a perfect circle, it will have a large gap at the bottom. The contact picture will lead you to how it should examine! The explanations for why it is unobstructed will become better evident as we go via the subsequent actions.

Step 4: Next, draw the feet for the clock.

You’ll see why we left those spaces in the previous step as you enter this room! We’re creating a delicious design in this guide, and these legs will be a fun feature. They are also relatively easy to draw as they have a rounded shape, a slightly flatter base, and a slight edge. You can then connect them with another curved line to complete this step.

Step 5: Now draw the clock face.

This fifth step of our how to draw a cartoon clock guide will focus on drawing the clock face, and we mean that literally! First, start by drawing a circular nose. This one will have pointy hands that stick out at an angle that makes them look like a moustache. Their choice again is a small smiling mug down. Finally, we will draw large rounded eye outlines connected. For students, you can use two ovals with black dots inside to complete this step.

Step 6: Next, draw some details

For this part, we’ll add some minor details to your cartoon clock drawing. First, we’ll add a series of small circles to the outer edge of the watch face. Next, we’ll draw the beginnings of the two bells at the top of the clock. These will be drawn as flat shapes as they appear in the contact image. Once these figures are removed, we will complete the following phase of the directory.

Step 7: Following, extract some last parts.

We will meet the watch’s chimes at this phase of the guide. These will be big and round, each with a negligibly curved form at the shelter. When they’re removed, you can top up with more points or thoughts you come up with yourself! Make a scene location, or complete a design with a climate theme in the environment. What ideas do you have about achieving this invention?

Step 8: Now finish with some colour.

It’s time to end this manual on how to seduce you.


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